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Whether you are commuting to work or taking the family out on the weekend, the selection of window film for your automobile makes sense for a number of important reasons:
Reduces Heat – we all know how hot it can get when a car sits in the sun for an extended period of time. The solar control properties found in automotive window films can greatly reduce the level of heat gain inside a car providing more comfort for the driver and passengers. Additionally, this heat reduction will lead to better fuel efficiency because car owners can rely less on air conditioning to provide comfort.
Reduces Glare – the presence of glare while driving is not only distractive but dangerous as well. Window film does an excellent job at minimizing the level of annoying glare entering a car window. This will improve vision and safety and help prevent strain on the eyes.
Blocks UV Rays – it has been proven that UV rays from the sun can cause serious damage to the skin as well as increase fading on interior car furnishings such as dashboards, seats, floor mats, and stereo equipment. Automotive window films help to reduce the level of interior fading and protect skin by blocking up to 99% of the sun’s harmful UV rays.

Beyond these three functional benefits, automotive window films can also add just the right aesthetic touch to your car. There are a variety of shades and colors to choose from so check with SUNBUSTERS to find out which film makes the most sense based on your specific needs.
Call for Pricing or Request via Email HERE!

Auto Tinting

While there are many quality window film manufacturers, Johnson Window Films has been able to carve out a unique positioning from its manufacturing facility located in Carson, CA. With its origins in laminating & packaging, Johnson Window Films has been a family-run business for over 30 years. Unlike other window film corporations where diversification is necessary to satisfy shareholders, Johnson Window films has been able to concentrate solely on one thing—the manufacturing of high quality window film products.

We Use Johnson Window Film!